the self supporting concrete steps aspect for design house,and outdoor steps floating staircase kit delivery for 15 days with your exact plan ,delivery all over the world |  | 15 business days for delivery MONOLITH is a compagny offer a comprehensive range of concrete (matt black gray with fine texture) resin steps or (matt colors with fine texture) resin steps for Steel Stairs, and floating stairs. the steps shape are Custom and cut with an exact size by Digital Cutting Machine from autocad or outer drawing for all the steps of your design stair . MONOLITH send a concrete resin steps product quickly, in 3 weeks' time all over the world. If you want to know more information about our resin concrete steps or colors resin steps , please send us an email monolith@orange.fr or visite your site www.marche-en-resine.com
Price for one step in 40 mm MDF hard wood with mineral resin vacuum injection moulding technique . for concrete and coulors aspect, Our prices according to offer are net prices and are quoted without VAT and without shipping costs ex warehouse. Regular steps for metal frame stairs : lateral stringer and central stringer : 40 x 270 x 900 = 79 € ht Winder steps (special size) = 99 € ht Steps for floating stairs Size : 80 x 280 x 900 = 150 € ht Winder steps (special size ) = 170 € ht steel system with 7 holes for 1 floating step : 270 € ht led system includ in step with 10 LED Panels, Amp Power , In Line Switch, Interconnect Cables, power socket 49 € ht for one step display concrete steps for your stair showroom :
40 x 270 x 900 = 79 € ht 80 x 280 x 900 = 150 € ht MONOLITH STEP is exceptionally resistant and durable and proves very good mechanical properties such as hardness, toughness, abrasion resistance and tenacity. And what is more, MONOLITH steps is not fragile and cannot be chopped and nice to touch surface material ! it can be easily washed off with water or abrasive detergents. Scratches and nicks can be simply removed by regrinding and repolishing without any change or homogeneity of coloured surface. . is offered in more than 100 hues ranging from mild pastel colours to deep colours with veined and grainy textures. There is also a wide variety of MONOLITH steps finish (from satin matt to high gloss). Demanding customers will appreciate possibility to combine individual hues of colour. Also, it is very easy to combine MONOLITH steps with other stairs materials such as stainless steel or wood. MONOLITH STEPS : exceptional lifespan, easy maintenance/reparability and exclusive appearance will safe your money! everyone would agree that floating staircases are the most delicate-looking and eye-catching type. cantilever stairs , the Self supporting concrete step for ultra design house using LED lightened as finish the concrete stair includ in material is steps hard resin
Nonslip Step Safety Solutions - Wood Stairways - Concrete Steps - Aluminum Steps - Factory Steps - Special Vehicles & Equipment
OSHA Approved Safety Surface for Steps - 1910.24(f)
Prevent Accidents & Injuries With Handi-Ramp® OSHA Approved, Stair, Deck & Floor Non-Slip Safety Tread Plates. Work Even When Wet Or Snow Covered!Slip and trip falls on stairs account for the majority of accidents in most buildings and work places. This can be due to a couple of interacting factors which include:
Visibility of the steps Slip resistance of the treadsique sur-mesure les éléments de menuiserie ébénisterie adaptés à vos demandes recouverts de matière minérale inusable |
renseignement téléphonique sur les marches suspendues TEL: 06 80 30 14 37 ets MONOLITH 2rue oppidum 56340 CARNAC FRANCE siret 313340267 | les escaliers monolith doivent etre èquipés de garde corps au normes | Please call our showroom for pricing steps. Copyright © 2013, .Contact : monolith@orange.fr |